Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Explain why, according to Hobbes, the state of nature will be a state of war.

Hobbes state of nature: the right to self-preservation + the right to fulfil this right in whatever way we choose (bc humans are equal + there's no authority)
causes of war: human never-ending desires, scarcity, fear of threat/violence, human desire for power
- continual fear and danger of violent death
- a vicious circle
- life = nasty, brutish + short
"a war of all against all"

contrast with Locke:
- free + equal BUT limitations on what we can do 
- constricted by laws of nature -> no power over anyone else/can't harm anyone else
- LoN - comes from God -> must abide 
weaknesses: LoN not enough to ensure peace -> humans will want power + scarcity will cause state of war 
- locke argues: scarcity not an issue -> at the beginning enough resources to go around
- major weakness: issue of TRUST- agreeing to be peaceful = not enough -> not worth risk -> irrational + motivated by desires -> rather fulfil short-term gain than long-term (peace + stability)
- even under state we lock doors/hide valuables

weakness of state of nature theory overall:
- humans are social beings so perhaps state developed naturally -> need societal value from birth to be taken care of as a baby to survive -> hobbes: assumes we are selfish + alone 
- doesn't tell us much about why the state came to exist.

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