Wednesday, 13 May 2015


- hume: co-operation -> more effective means to gain what we want/need (as we are needy creatures but don't possess the means to get thingz) - more ability/power/support if work together - alone we are useless + weak
- laws can act as a sort of moral short-cut/guideline: sometimes isn't so clear what is right/wrong -> if we obey the law bc it's the law then we're more likely to act in the 'right', moral way which is good bc humans can be stupid + selfish
- HOWEVER, this denies us of our autonomy (arguably v important) - acting morally/on rules give to self -> goes against freedom + assumes humans are terrible creatures who can't tell right from wrong
- ALSO anarchists agree: submitting undermines moral judgement - only following rules bc we have to, not bc we believe we morally should (e.g. doing something bc don't wanna get in trouble rather than bc i know it is morally wrong) + risk of doing bad things because told to by authority (e.g. milgrams study) -> SO irrational to obey
 HOWEVER this is arguably safer than not putting any rules in place at all bc humans are prone to irrationality + corruption -> if no punishment system in place then more likely to do bad things

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